Elena has an incredible following in the world of yoga. She founded Virayoga in 2002 and led a class of 10,000 (!) in Central Park. Alison, who has been practicing yoga for over 20 years, loves going to her class because Elena has an incredible balance of practice and therapy. I love going for the same reasons…and because Elena and I went to sleep away camp together forever. Or at least it felt like forever. If you have ever been to sleep away camp you know the kind of friends you make there. They hold a special place in your heart. Back then, Elena was Lainie. She was tall, skinny as a rail, with tube socks up to her knobby knees. She was hilarious, smart, unbelievably creative and beautiful both inside and out. She still is all those things…minus the tube socks.
Here is an incredibly thoughtful blog she wrote about how we can be respectful with our kids.
This originally appeared in Alignyo – an amazing daily yoga newsletter started by one of Alison’s friends… check it out.
To learn more about Elena visit http://virayoga.com/.
Alison & Allison
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