With flu season in full swing we wanted to remind you of apple seeds cleaning policies, as well as mention a few things you can do to help us uphold the highest standards of safety and cleanliness.
Our usual cleaning routines:
- Frequent hand washing and use of anti-bacterial gel for all staff members.
- Twice daily cleaning and disinfecting of our playground and classroom toys.
- apple seeds cleaning staff maintains the highest level of cleanliness every hour we are open. Night time cleaning staff cleans entire facility once again after we close.
- We reserve the right to kindly ask members or guests who appear to be sick to stay home until they are feeling better.
- We have posted signage around the space with reminders to cover your cough and wash hands frequently.
- Our house staff will be refilling hand sanitizer dispensers and tissue boxes as needed.
Some things we have recommended for our staff:
- Frequent hand washing and use of anti-bacterial gel.
- We have highly recommended that our staff receive flu shots (we will be subsidizing the cost to make these shots accessible to all staff members).
- Staying home if they are too sick to come to work (we also reserve the right to send home any staff member we think is too sick to be at apple seeds).
- Contacting a manager immediately if a child appears too sick to be at apple seeds.
Some things you can do in your daily routine:
- Frequent hand washing and use of anti-bacterial gel.
- Make sure your child’s coughs and sneezes are covered and have tissues readily accessible.
- Keep sick children at home.
- Please keep apple seeds notified regarding any illness that may be contagious or dangerous to other families.

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