Recycled Picture Frame
Materials Needed:
-4 recycled popsicle or craft sticks (this time of year we're sure you can collect several popsicle sticks in no time at all!)
-paint brush
-paint/markers/crayons (whatever you have in the house)
-gems, rhinestones or stickers (again, whatever you have on hand)
-Give your artist the clean recycled popsicle or craft sticks and paint/markers/crayons. Allow them to decorate both sides of the sticks.
-Apply glue to each of the four ends and connect them in a square shape to create a frame.
-Apply glue to the gems or rhinestones and apply. Attach stickers to the frame to add more detail.
-Allow to dry and insert a family photo in your handcrafted frame!
-This is a great gift ideas for loved ones near and far.
We want to see your projects - share your child’s creation with us on our Facebook page! For more projects like this, check out our my Chelsea art opening classes.

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