We joined our staff to do a CPR training at apple seeds this
week. After 7 years of doing this necessary training, the guy who taught
us is the best we’ve ever had!
We are getting nothing out of this. We just had to
share how much we enjoyed both his style of teaching, and the energy with which
he imparted the information. Choking, respiratory distress, cardiac
arrest… none of it is easy to think about but somehow he made us all feel more
educated and confident.
Trust us, we admit to dozing off once or twice during CPR
class in the past. Zoning out to the video. Forgetting just how many
compressions are needed. Or was it breaths?
Greg Cintron is a natural born teacher (and perhaps one day
he should be a stand-up comic). Not a single person zoned out. Not
a single person was bored. Our bet is that each person will remember just
what to do when the moment arises.
We both feel more confident thinking about the hundreds of
babies and children in our lives – as well as the adults that bring them to our
space every single day.
We want to bring him back to apple seeds to teach a CPR
seminar for our community of parents.
Let us know if this would interest you?
Click like if you would like to get certified and this is
something you would attend.
I'm interested!