On October 20, 2012 our Director of Operations, Janelle Rooks, will be participating in a Crossfit competition called Fight Gone Bad. What is Fight Gone Bad?
Three Rounds of:
1 minute – Wallball shot
1 minute – Sumo deadlift high pull
1 minute – box jump
1 minute – push press
1 minute – max calorie row
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute with one minute rest between rounds. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. One point is given for each rep and each calorie rowed. We’re tired just writing about it!
Janelle’s gym, Crossfit South Brooklyn, is using this grueling competition to raise money for the Brooklyn Community Foundation. Every dollar raised goes towards grants to help community programs including but not limited to after-school programs, urban gardens and senior activities center.
To support her efforts we are holding a membership raffle. Tickets cost $5 each and all proceeds benefit fundraising efforts. One winner will be picked at our Chelsea and UWS locations on October 16th. If you would like to contribute you can contact the front desk and buy a raffle ticket or donate to her team at the link below:
...3, 2, 1 – GO!

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