Take a minute to read about the organization. Take a few more to read about the beautiful girls.

The unimaginably heartbreaking loss of Sarah, Lily and Grace Badger in a tragic Christmas morning fire left us all feeling completely stunned.
They were children. Lily was 9. Twins, Sarah and Grace, were 7. They were part of our community. They went to the same nursery school as our kids and played at apple seeds. Their father, Matthew Badger, started a foundation in their honor. The Lily Sarah Grace Fund supports what his daughters loved most - art. The foundation is challenging and empowering teachers at underfunded public elementary schools to use the arts in their curriculum. Their mission is incredible. Read it here. Stroller Traffic was the first to bring the foundation to our attention. Much more information can be found on the Lily Sarah Grace Fund site.
Take a minute to read about the organization. Take a few more to read about the beautiful girls.
Take a minute to read about the organization. Take a few more to read about the beautiful girls.
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